Get ready to submit your 2019 interest to sponsor form
The first step to sponsor your parents or grandparents is filling out the interest to sponsor form.
The interest to sponsor form will be available at noon EST on January 28, 2019.
We’ll accept form submissions on a first-in basis. As soon as we get enough submissions, the form will no longer be available.
How to fill out the form
- You, the person who wants to sponsor, must fill out the form.
- If you have your information ready, it should take you about 10 minutes.
- We recommend you use a desktop computer.
- If you make a mistake on your interest to sponsor form, don’t submit another form.
- Find out how to correct a mistake or update your information.
- Don’t submit the interest to sponsor form if you’re not eligible to become a sponsor.
- If you’re invited to apply and we refuse your application because you’re not eligible, we won’t refund your application fees.
- Don’t submit the interest to sponsor form more than once.
- It won’t increase your chances of being invited to apply.
- We remove duplicate entries.
The information you provide in this form must be the same as what you’ll put on your application, if you’re invited to submit a complete application.
Gather your information
Before the interest to sponsor form opens, gather the information you’ll need to provide. This includes making an electronic copy of your proof of status in Canada (new requirement for 2019).
You (the person who wants to sponsor their parents and grandparents), must provide this information on the interest to sponsor form:
- your family name(s) (also known as last name, surname) and your given name(s) (also known as first name)
- Make sure you write your name exactly as it is written on the proof of status in Canada document you’ll submit.
- your date of birth
- the country or territory where you were born
- your primary residential address (where you live)
- You must live in Canada to sponsor.
- Make sure you fill out all the fields and provide your complete address.
- You’ll have to provide your street number, street name, apartment or unit number (if applicable), P.O. Box (if applicable), your province or territory, and postal code.
- For the street number and address, include the street type (street, boulevard, avenue, etc.). For example, follow this format: 123 John St. or 123 John Ave. or 123 John Pl.
- your email address that you want us to use to communicate with you
- the number of family members in your family unit
- the total number of persons you want to sponsor, including their dependants (spouse, partner and children)
- names of the parents and grandparents you want to sponsor
- You won’t need to provide the names of their dependants.
- date of birth of the parents and grandparents you want to sponsor
- You won’t need to provide the dates of birth of their dependants.
- your proof of status in Canada document number
- Find out where to find that number.
- Make sure you submit the number of the same document you’ll submit with your application. If the document number doesn’t match, we’ll return your application.
- your electronic signature (you must type in your name)
On the form, you’ll be asked if you meet the income requirements to sponsor. Make sure you understand the income requirements before you complete the interest to sponsor form.
Prepare your proof of status in Canada document
With your interest to sponsor form, you’ll have to upload an electronic (digital) copy of a proof of your status in Canada.
We’ll accept expired documents. You don’t need to renew your document to complete the interest to sponsor form or to submit your sponsorship application.
Make sure you use the same status document with your interest to sponsor form submission as you’ll submit with your application, if you’re invited to apply.
Submit one of the following proof of status documents:
- permanent resident card (both sides)
- record of landing (IMM 1000) (only if you didn’t get a PR Card)
- Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688)
- Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides)
- Canadian birth certificate
- If you were born in Quebec, we’ll only accept a birth certificate from the Directeur de l’État civil.
- Canadian passport (pages showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth)
- Secure certificate of Indian status
Prepare your copy ahead of time and know where to find it on your computer or mobile device.
How to create an electronic or digital copy
You can use a scanner or camera to create a digital copy of your proof of status document. Scan or take a picture of your status in Canada document.
The maximum file size is 2.5 MB. If your file is bigger than 2.5 MB, you should reduce the size.
You can only submit 1 file with your interest to sponsor form. If you have to submit both sides of your status in Canada document, save both sides into 1 document. If you don’t have a photo editing software, the easiest way to do this is to save both images into a Microsoft Word Document.
We accept these file formats:
- PDF (Portable Document)
- JPG, TIFF, or PNG (image)
- DOC or DOCX (Microsoft Word document)
Take note of the name you give the file and where you save it so you can easily find the file later.
To avoid delays in processing, make sure the image is clear and your information is easy to read.
We’ll use your proof of status document to validate your information.
After you submit your interest to sponsor form in 2019
Save your confirmation number. You can use it later to check if you have been invited to apply.
After you successfully submit the interest to sponsor form, you’ll see a confirmation page with a confirmation number. Keep this number for your records.
We’ll also send you an email to confirm that we’ve received your form.
We’ll invite potential sponsors to submit a complete application in the same order we receive the interest to sponsor forms.
We’ll start sending invitations after we review the submissions and remove duplicates.
If you successfully submit the interest to sponsor form this year, use your confirmation number to find out if you’re invited to apply.
2 thoughts on “Get ready to submit your 2019 interest to sponsor form”
am trying to find the 2019 interest parents sponsor form but at what time it will posted
at 12:00 Noon on CIC website.
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